Totally like whatever, you know?
By Taylor Mali
In case you hadn't noticed,
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you're talking about?
Or believe strongly in what you're saying?
Invisible question marks and parenthetical (you know?)'s
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren't, like, questions? You know?
Declarative sentences - so-called
because they used to, like, DECLARE things to be true
as opposed to other things which were, like, not -
have been infected by a totally hip
and tragically cool interrogative tone? You know?
Like, don't think I'm uncool just because I've noticed this;
this is just like the word on the street, you know?
It's like what I've heard?
I have nothing personally invested in my own opinions, okay?
I'm just inviting you to join me in my uncertainty?
What has happened to our conviction?
Where are the limbs out on which we once walked?
Have they been, like, chopped down
with the rest of the rain forest?
Or do we have, like, nothing to say?
Has society become so, like, totally . . .
I mean absolutely . . . You know?
That we've just gotten to the point where it's just, like . . .
And so actually our disarticulation . . . ness
is just a clever sort of . . . thing
to disguise the fact that we've become
the most aggressively inarticulate generation
to come along since . . .
you know, a long, long time ago!
I entreat you, I implore you, I exhort you,
I challenge you: To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY.
You have to speak with it, too.
A place to store and share the things I make.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sexy Fruit
1. Chop 4 oz. dark chocolate. Melt.
2. Peel 4-6 clementines. Dip slices in chocolate.
3. Place in fridge.
4. Arrange on antique turquoise serving plate.
5. Make sure you ate some before you got to the party. They don't last long.
(Thanks Runner's World)
2. Peel 4-6 clementines. Dip slices in chocolate.
3. Place in fridge.
4. Arrange on antique turquoise serving plate.
5. Make sure you ate some before you got to the party. They don't last long.
(Thanks Runner's World)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
There's a lot I want to write about today. I read, visited with friends, and am cooking now. We had a great party last night, though I didn't take my camera out a bit (I was too preoccupied with mixing cocktails). I'm tired, recovering from an energy filled week, revving up for a return to real-life tomorrow, then sending Graham off for an adventure overseas. I feel sometimes like I have so much to share I can't really figure out a way to share it, and at those times I have to make myself be okay with not sharing. I still have stories and pictures on the computer and in my mind that I've wanted to go back and write about, but those times are still with me, and they don't necessarily have to be here. And that is okay. I did want to share this quote though, so I'll just leave it with that.
“Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done.” Ernie Kovacs
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Yeah, it's a couple days late. But the last couple days were filled with more cooing and cuddling and smooshing the cheeks of my nephew, playing cards and having grown-up conversations with my family, driving to Billings with my dad. Add to that repacking my bag at the ticket counter since it was overweight, a long day at the airport while carrying a 30# box full of dishes, and dinner with my hub who I had left home in Portland all week, I just didn't have time to blog. But I did have time to be thankful. What I'm thankful for:
family. all of them
my husband
orange jello with cool whip
the human body
sharing talents
forgiveness and grace
My mom always makes us do "affirmations" at holiday meals. We always groaned at them as kids, but as an adult I really appreciate this. It really just means that we go around the table and give an honest affirmation to each individual, something we appreciate about them. Something more than "you're cool" or "I like your hair." It's hard! But rewarding. I got choked up. All the little things that bug you about a family member (let's all be honest, they exist) seem to disappear and you realize that you really do appreciate X,Y, and Z about them. Try it. I think you'll like it.
Stealing my sister-in-law away for a run around the lake |
look! turkeys have a medial and lateral meniscus too! |
Potholder made by mom |
What's not to be thankful for?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Because Taylen is already in bed, we have a game of cards waiting to be started, and mom wants to make a pumpkin pie tonight, this will be short. The events of the past two days: a run around the surge pond, some auntie time with Taylen, wildlife viewing, watching videos of us and all our cousins when we were kids, crafting, and woodwork. Here's a peek:
Playtime with Nana
Wishful thinking for the guys as this 4x5 fella kept showing up in the backyard.
Mom and I sewed while Belinda got a nap. I made him a Bobcat shirt, despite their sad showing in the big game last week (I'm always a little torn during Cat/Griz time...)
Mom and I work best when we put our minds together (she keeps reminding me of this). A true Colstrip shirt; don't worry--it's mostly steam that comes out of the stacks. As a kid I thought the stacks actually made clouds. This created great confusion on days when there were clouds but no steam...
More signs of the big guy and his girlfriends out back.
Sunset from the driveway.
Working with my pops in the shop.
A man and his toys.
My new boots! I lived in Montana for 25 years and this if my very first pair of cowboy boots. I bought them at a second hand store in Colstrip (read: a house filled with other people's stuff run by a high school classmate's mom). I love them!
Some Auntie & Taylen time while everyone else went to the gym
Wishful thinking for the guys as this 4x5 fella kept showing up in the backyard.
Mom and I sewed while Belinda got a nap. I made him a Bobcat shirt, despite their sad showing in the big game last week (I'm always a little torn during Cat/Griz time...)
Mom and I work best when we put our minds together (she keeps reminding me of this). A true Colstrip shirt; don't worry--it's mostly steam that comes out of the stacks. As a kid I thought the stacks actually made clouds. This created great confusion on days when there were clouds but no steam...
More signs of the big guy and his girlfriends out back.
Sunset from the driveway.
Working with my pops in the shop.
A man and his toys.
My new boots! I lived in Montana for 25 years and this if my very first pair of cowboy boots. I bought them at a second hand store in Colstrip (read: a house filled with other people's stuff run by a high school classmate's mom). I love them!
I should probably go help with this pie now. Happy humpday!
Monday, November 21, 2011
November Rush
Thanksgiving Holiday.
I'm sitting on my parents' couch watching August Rush with my sister-in-law. We've had a busy day: chasing my nephew, crafting, cooking, listening to hunting stories that didn't go as planned. It's a holiday. We played in Billings with my grandparents for a night and I've been enjoying the snow back here in Colstrip, watching deer bounding across the backyard. We even checked out the local co-op (read: my 3rd grade classroom turned into a store selling socks and jeans, as well as Robeez for Taylen). It was a good day with my mama and Belinda, ending with Kermit the Frog soup and chocolate chip cookies (half and half GF and regular), as well as a little Kirkland red wine and now some wind down time with a tired mama. It is a holiday indeed.
Kermit the Frog Soup (Mom's recipe)
Boil 2 C stock, add 3 stems of broccoli and one onion, chopped into small chunks. Cover and boil 10 minutes. Chop in food processor or with immersion blender. In another pan, melt 2 Tb butter with 2 Tb flour (I cheated today, but you could probably replace with Arrowroot or cornstarch, or else just brown rice flour), and "cook til smooth 'n bubbly", stir in 2 1/2 C stock to boiling, boil 6 minutes. Add 1 T boullion (we didn't today since we used stock, but it may add more flavor), some salt & pepper, a dash of nutmeg, and 3/4 cup whipping cream to the broccoli/onion mixture, then add the roux to thicken it. Serve with crackers or just by itself. Ty claims that mom had to name it Kermit the Frog because no kid would ever willingly eat soup with broccoli in the title. I think he's right.
I think I'll be back with more this week. But for now I'm watching a movie. Happy holidays!
I'm sitting on my parents' couch watching August Rush with my sister-in-law. We've had a busy day: chasing my nephew, crafting, cooking, listening to hunting stories that didn't go as planned. It's a holiday. We played in Billings with my grandparents for a night and I've been enjoying the snow back here in Colstrip, watching deer bounding across the backyard. We even checked out the local co-op (read: my 3rd grade classroom turned into a store selling socks and jeans, as well as Robeez for Taylen). It was a good day with my mama and Belinda, ending with Kermit the Frog soup and chocolate chip cookies (half and half GF and regular), as well as a little Kirkland red wine and now some wind down time with a tired mama. It is a holiday indeed.
cutest little cowlick ever |
also quite possibly the cutest kid ever |
crafting with his mama and my sister-in-law (yes, that's snot and tears on her shoulders. She's a trooper.) |
Copying Terri's Xmas trees from old sweaters |
My GF cookies: I just replaced the flour in the Tollhouse recipe with 1/2 C chickpea, 1/2 C coconut flours and a little cornstarch. |
Boil 2 C stock, add 3 stems of broccoli and one onion, chopped into small chunks. Cover and boil 10 minutes. Chop in food processor or with immersion blender. In another pan, melt 2 Tb butter with 2 Tb flour (I cheated today, but you could probably replace with Arrowroot or cornstarch, or else just brown rice flour), and "cook til smooth 'n bubbly", stir in 2 1/2 C stock to boiling, boil 6 minutes. Add 1 T boullion (we didn't today since we used stock, but it may add more flavor), some salt & pepper, a dash of nutmeg, and 3/4 cup whipping cream to the broccoli/onion mixture, then add the roux to thicken it. Serve with crackers or just by itself. Ty claims that mom had to name it Kermit the Frog because no kid would ever willingly eat soup with broccoli in the title. I think he's right.
I think I'll be back with more this week. But for now I'm watching a movie. Happy holidays!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
cookie fail
I'm a big fan of modifying recipes. This habit does not always work for the best results. I remember my first modification--mom and I were trying to make "blonde" lasagna (this was way back in high school), and didn't have all the ingredients so we made some adjustments. That was a mistake. I don't remember the details, but it was not pretty. I remember saying to myself, "from this day forward, I will never try to modify a recipe the first time I make it." Needless to say, that is not a rule that I've kept.
Megan was bragging about these cookies last week, and I've been jonesing to try them. I was practicing self-control and stay-in-the-budget strategies at Fred Meyer the other day, and I ended up not buying the coconut oil and coconut flour; so of course, I didn't have all the ingredients. I actually have been having some success lately at my own modifications, particularly in making things free of gluten (like these!), so I went forth with confidence. I used almond flour instead of coconut, and we didn't have enough eggs so I did the flax seed equivalent (1 T flax seed, ground and mixed with 4 T water). Those were the only changes I made...but it didn't turn out well. Kind of a like a pan of crepes that are crispy on the outside and raw in the middle, they look nothing like the gorgeous ones that came out of Megan's oven. I'll try again soon, and follow the recipe. I guess some directions really should be followed closely. But I'm certain I'll test that theory again as well.
Megan was bragging about these cookies last week, and I've been jonesing to try them. I was practicing self-control and stay-in-the-budget strategies at Fred Meyer the other day, and I ended up not buying the coconut oil and coconut flour; so of course, I didn't have all the ingredients. I actually have been having some success lately at my own modifications, particularly in making things free of gluten (like these!), so I went forth with confidence. I used almond flour instead of coconut, and we didn't have enough eggs so I did the flax seed equivalent (1 T flax seed, ground and mixed with 4 T water). Those were the only changes I made...but it didn't turn out well. Kind of a like a pan of crepes that are crispy on the outside and raw in the middle, they look nothing like the gorgeous ones that came out of Megan's oven. I'll try again soon, and follow the recipe. I guess some directions really should be followed closely. But I'm certain I'll test that theory again as well.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Tis the season...almost
Monday nights are date nights. Tonight kind of ended up being plan-free, so we had leftovers and decided to have a holiday evening. I went to work to find a GF gingerbread recipe, then Graham walked me through the recipe as I mixed it up, while emceeing the Christmas music. I'm working on our Christmas cards, so I finished a couple of those to pass approval of the other signee of them come December. Finally the buzzer went off and this masterpiece came out of the oven. Delicious. I don't always get a good cakey texture with GF cakes, but this was pretty good, albeit a little spongy. It was the perfect amount of sweetness and spice, perfect for the holiday season which is (nearly) upon us. If only we had an open fire and some chestnuts...
1 cup tapioca flour
1 cup brown sugar
1 Tbs. baking powder
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
dash of salt
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (really just ginger/nutmeg/allspice/cloves)
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
3/4 cup shortening (I used Coconut Oil)
1 1/4 cup pumpkin purée (you can use apple sauce too)
2 eggs
1/4 cup molasses
Mix the dry ingredients with the shortening, then mix in the wet ingredients. Pour into a greased 13x9 inch pan, and bake at 350˚ for 30 minutes. Done!
Gluten-free Gingerbread (modified from Jules Gluten Free)
1 1/2 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour (I usually use brown rice, sorghum, tapioca mix)
1/2 cup buckwheat flour1 cup tapioca flour
1 cup brown sugar
1 Tbs. baking powder
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
dash of salt
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (really just ginger/nutmeg/allspice/cloves)
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
Wet Ingredients:
3/4 cup shortening (I used Coconut Oil)
1 1/4 cup pumpkin purée (you can use apple sauce too)
2 eggs
1/4 cup molasses
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Hang on Little Tomato
Audrey is having a baby. I lived with Audrey and her husband Joran my last semester in Missoula, and they now live up in Washington. To my knowledge, Joran's first mention of being ready to have a kid was when he found a blog of a dad who had tracked statistics about the kid--like how often he fed at night, and how often he needed a diaper change, what proportion of those times was poop vs. pee, etc. He's a stats guy. In fact he has a PhD in statistics. So I wasn't surprised when she told me she was pregnant; I just can't wait to see what his data entry looks like. When Audrey would get stressed out about school, Joran would play this song for her. I thought this little gift would be perfect for their little tomato.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I just got home from a crafternight with some very talented and creative women. Sadly, I did not take pictures. Happily, my husband has become a model. Maybe this could be his next big thing...
Also this breakfast tofu recipe has been hanging out in a blog draft for long enough that I've referenced it to make breakfast multiple times, so I figured it was time to actually post it. I've been finding more and more lately, though I try and deny it, that I just don't like eggs. That's it. So tofu for breakfast is a tasty alternative. Because it can become anything you want it to be.
Also did you know that it's actually not proper grammar to have two spaces at the end of your sentence? Read this. I just spaced twice. What do you think? Do you use one space or two? I think this will be a hard one to break.
![]() |
photo courtesy Robyn Steely, ED at Write Around Portland |
Also this breakfast tofu recipe has been hanging out in a blog draft for long enough that I've referenced it to make breakfast multiple times, so I figured it was time to actually post it. I've been finding more and more lately, though I try and deny it, that I just don't like eggs. That's it. So tofu for breakfast is a tasty alternative. Because it can become anything you want it to be.
Also did you know that it's actually not proper grammar to have two spaces at the end of your sentence? Read this. I just spaced twice. What do you think? Do you use one space or two? I think this will be a hard one to break.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
We Brew
So it turns out that making beer is essentially just like making tea. You take a bunch of dried stuff, add it to boiling water, and let it sit till it's good and ready. Okay, there are a few more steps to the ale-making process, but it is more similar than I would have ever expected. Graham has brewed a few batches, but this was the first time I got to be a part of it. We spent a surprisingly sunny afternoon on the back deck brewing a new batch, and then spent today bottling the batch he and my dad made a couple weeks ago. Below is a quasi-step by step of the process, which is by no means meant to be an instructional tutorial. Just a photo-documentary of my interpretation of the process.
After sitting in the fermentation bucket, the beer is poured into this carboy for it's second fermentation. Shown here is the batch G & Dad brewed up, but I'm going to skip ahead and show the last steps with this brew. Remember it's the Cold Smoke clone I mentioned earlier...
That's it! Okay yes, I skipped some details in there, but you can see that it really is almost as simple as boiling some water and adding a bag of tea. Almost. The name pays homage both to the original beer as well as the time spent among the true brewers. Thanks dad and Graham, sorry I wasn't around to bug you with my camera for the original process. Off to have a pint!
Grains |
Going into the pot of water |
Boiling. This was almost as cool as watching the Mud Pots in Yellowstone |
After the grains were strained out of the "tea" (technically wort) |
Emergency sewing session (so nice to be needed!) |
I made a bag for the hops so we could skip the straining |
A handful of hops |
Adding the yeast |
Sitting for a couple weeks |
After the second fermentation, ready to be bottled |
Siphoning the beer into the sanitized bottles |
Getting every last drop. There was lots of sediment so we ended up with one "chunky" bottle |
Capped and ready for aging |
The name came pretty quickly. |
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