Yesterday we had a deliciously sunny day. It hit 73, and felt like it--I even got a little tan eating lunch in the sun at Jam on Hawthorne. Then we woke up today, Easter morning, to the drizzle we're so accustomed to. Barefeet on concrete was just a tease.
I made myself a busy little Sunday. I got up early and sewed, then walked to the store with the camera to document my morning. I like having pictures of my life, and I'm trying to just bring the camera along more often. Life needs documentation sometimes.
My early morning walk to the grocery store was to prepare me for the challenge that lay ahead: bananas gone bad. Someone at the Healing Place (the building my clinic is in) apparently has the hookup at New Seasons, and will randomly drop off boxes or bags of produce that's too good to throw away, but too far gone to sell. You know I hate to waste food...or anything else for that matter. So I brought home a few bunches, and looked up some banana bread recipes. By the time I made a double batch of Martha's banana bread with coconut, which
barely fit in the mixer (oops), then made the salad for Easter potluck, then made banana waffles, I ran out of time to try the three different gluten-free recipes I found. I'll let you know how they turn out, when I get around to them. As for the original four loaves, I hear they were quite good.
The challenge |
My go-to apron: a yardsale skirt transformed into a flour-catching cape |
Graham's birthday was this week, on Earth Day/Good Friday. Two Christmases ago, we decided to start a change jar to save up for some ink (he wanted to register for tattoos for our wedding, I thought a food processor was more practical). We started with a little jar and grew into a Costco sized Adam's Peanut Butter jar, and when he cashed that baby in, it pretty much paid for the art. I'm impressed. He's very proud. Happy birthday Graham.
I have
finished four different pieces this week! I'm so good at starting things, and sometimes it takes a ton of energy to just do that last little finish. Deadlines. That's what I need. We're seeing family tomorrow night so I had a deadline to get these done. I have a baby shower in a couple weeks too, which will be good to get me moving. I've also been commissioned to make a neoprene laptop case for a friend...which should be interesting, and he's setting me a deadline.
Burpie |
A little shirt for Luciana |

I am so obsessed with wasting as little thread/fabric/food, that it sometimes is a little nutty. I'm terrible at doing math for sewing, which does mean that I sometimes cut extra scraps that I could have avoided (though you know I'll use the scraps again...somehow). But, when I stitch in the ditch on a quilt (or on these burpies), I cannot for the life of me figure out the best way to cover all the lines
only once, but also not have to pick up the needle. Any tips?
Mo's runner |
Happy Easter. It was a blessed day, with beautiful weather that couldn't decide if it wanted to be rainy or sunny. When the sun shone, the dark sky receded and great white clouds hung low on the horizon. It was a beautiful day.
Hello chickie! Nice work....I enjoy your sharing! Did you do the watercolor on the background? I like it. I love Graham's tattoo! It's excellent on several levels. Did you and/or he design it? I am up early today for some reason and since I'm not in Bham, I'm going to our quilt show here in the Falls. I did one small art quilt for the silent auction. I haven't been very active in the guild this year .... my priorities have changed. I still need to finish the "wedding quilt". I've done a few things in the interim...a cute doll and rag quilt for EJ and a Christmas gift for Mel. I should post the pic, huh! Great to check in with you! See you in 1 month!