The thing with working a healthcare job is that some days you can be well enough to
do your job, but still sick enough to give everyone else what you've got. That was today. I woke up feeling cruddy but not cruddy enough to stay in bed all day and watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy. So I baked a cake, built it, really. It was my first attempt at a triple layer cake, and first attempt at a Gluten-free cake as well. I probably should have stopped at 2 layers; I didn't have enough chocolate to make the whole genache recipe, and I'm so darn instant-gratification driven that I just had to power on. So I did all 3 layers. It isn't pretty, but it's tasty. The biggest problem I've found with gluten-free baking is that it's typically pretty crumbly; this was no different, yet at the same time was very moist. The recipe (I'll post it if anyone wants it) is from Flying Apron in Seattle, their Mexican Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Genache frosting. A little cinnamon, a little cayenne in the cake. It will be coming with me to work tomorrow since there's no way the two of us will eat it. Although, I'm not sure anyone else will eat it since I made it while I was out sick. I washed my hands and didn't lick the spoon, I swear.
Kinda reminds me of a McDonalds hamburger... |
I also got to work on my nephew's other quilt, the one I started in October when Mom & Dad were out here. And haven't touched since Halloween. I took a dozen or so pictures of the layout of the squares, changing them around and taking pictures from different angles to make sure I had the exact right pattern of squares. I wonder if all my sewing will be this obsessive-compulsive. It's a work in progress.
All in all, it was a good sick day. A cake was built. I sewed. I talked for a while with my mom and my dear friend Julia. I slept in a little. I wrote
two blog posts. I'm exhausted. And I better get some rest so I can go to work tomorrow.